Matrix Reloaded/ Revolutions

By , November 9, 2003

If one watches Casablanca hoping to see Star Wars, disappointment in Casablanca‘s lack of wookiees does not make it a bad film. I’ve heard and read considerable negative reactions to the two Matrix sequels, the latest of which came out a few days ago. I suspect those who wanted to see a rehash of the original were puzzled by the thought-provoking philosophical exposition of the themes running through all three films.

I absolutely loved The Matrix. It is not only among my favorite science fiction films, it is one of my favorite films, period. The second and third Matrix movies, in reality one long film, are nearly as good, albeit very different films from the original. Best of all, the directors don’t beat you over the head with anything; rather they pour out a lot of philosophy and plot, and are subtle with everything. But it all makes sense, and it all comes together into a coherent whole, which is remarkable considering the vast amount of detail and information that was poured into the film.

What I think makes Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions amazing, and possibly unique, is that for all the fantastic action and amazing visual effects, it is the only science fiction movie I’ve seen that deals with such staples of the genre as super-human strength, flying people, and knowing one’s future, in which everything is grounded in reality. Nothing in that film is illogical or impossible. Like all sci-fi films, it has its central conceit– in this case, that one can upload one’s mind into a computer. From that point on, it plays more like Franz Capra than George Lucas. Nearly every single moment, line, and action is necessary to further the plot, and every last aspect ties together in a logically impeccable manner. It requires intelligence, patience, and very deep thought on the part of the audience, but rewards them with a staggering and masterful work of logic.

I’d recommend that anyone who likes being made to think watch the two Matrix sequels. Even if you aren’t into such things, they are still worth seeing, for, to be honest, there is a lot of well-crafted action going on there too. Even if you can’t stand “thinking” movies, there should be enough to hold your interest.


6 Responses to “Matrix Reloaded/ Revolutions”

  1. mortsci3 says:

    I’m with ya. I really like the new Matrix movies just because they are thought provoking. AND I love philosophy.

  2. Hybrid_girl says:

    That’s cool that you felt that way about the movie. I liked the action and stuff, but I couldn’t get over the stupid cheesy lines.

    I loved the APUs though. Those were bad ass….

  3. Dunno – just got my non-movie watching self to see M2 … might be a while before I view M3. Kill Bill was great, tho! Can’t wait for pt 2. On pins waiting for LOTR3! Almost as good as the books.

    Someone likes my “NICE BOOTY! :D” – can ya blame them? ;) ~PK

  4. Peasprout says:

    @Dirti Martini, Matrix 2 and 3 together make a much more cogent whole then M2 makes on its own.

    I too am anxious to see KB2 and LOTR3. I think they’re doing a wonderful job with Tolkien. Do you know yet with whom you will watch Return of the King?

    Sure it was only Tracey, but hey– who wouldn’t like your booty?

  5. sunyoung says:

    i didn’t like matrix revolutions very much… ;)

  6. shadowluv says:

    I liked M2, but felt left hanging (of course that is what they wanted ;)

    I’m looking forward to M3 too. Maybe this weekend? But my real movie need is LOTR3. Can’t contain myself!

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