Simple Syrup

By , February 25, 2004

Last year I promised to share recipes for all six of the “basic drinks” that every bartender should know, according to The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. I’ve covered five of the six, with only the Jack Rose standing between me and completion, but before I go any further, I need to cover some basic ingredients one often encounters in cocktail recipes. One of these, simple syrup, which I will cover today, has already surfaced in a recipe, the Old Fashioned, so it is with some chagrin that I belatedly present to you the recipe for said ingredient.

Simple Syrup

2 cups sugar
1 cup filtered water

Boil the water. Stir sugar in slowly until it has completely dissolved. As soon as the sugar has fully dissolved, remove from heat and allow the syrup to cool in the pan. Once cooled, transfer to a glass jar. Simple syrup will keep for a month or longer if tightly sealed and refrigerated. You can add a teaspoon of vodka to the syrup to prolong its shelf life.

You can make any quantity you wish to make; just be sure to keep the proportion of sugar to water the same (2:1) and you’ll be fine.

That’s all there is to it. It truly is a simple syrup to make, although that is not why it is called simple syrup. Use it in lieu of sugar when making most cocktails.


5 Responses to “Simple Syrup”

  1. YukiTonbo says:

    You are the coach of the cocktail team.

  2. rips31 says:

    simple and basic. can’t argue w/that.

  3. shadowluv says:

    I know nothing about Simple Syrup, except that you know how to make it :) Really just wanted to thank you for the support. Angel Food Cake! You’re too cute…LOL

  4. DrShiznito says:

    haha…not bad, not bad at all. Those movies are tight.

  5. amandaness says:

    Monkeys definitely are grand! They are the bestest undomesticated creatures by far! Your recipe sounds superlative! :D

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