Some Quality Reading

By , July 7, 2005

So Tawny says she prefers “quality reading” on Xanga, which is female code for “enough with the song lists already, buddy.” Never one to say no to a challenge, I will take a stab at writing something of quality. In case I fail, I have cooked up another song list for the less discriminating among my readership. Without further ado… some quality reading.

Whilst waiting for Batman Begins to, well, begin, I offered to procure some treats for my friend Emily and I. And me? Whatever. Anyway. What I mean to say is that I was going to head to the lobby for some snacks. A bag of the popped c, maybe some candy. I asked Emily to select a beverage– she said she wanted 7-Up.

I know of this beverage. Once, as a wee lad I took a sip of one, and did not like it. Since then I haven’t tried it again, on account of I reckon I won’t like it. But when Emily extolled the merits of said beverage, I began to wonder– do I still dislike it? I *hated* Cap’n Crunch forever. As recently as my freshman year of college I couldn’t stand the stuff, but then a couple years ago I randomly had some and liked it just fine. So maybe now I will like 7-Up. I mean, it’s possible, right? If I suddenly liked Cap’n Crunch, then maybe I will find 7-Up to be refreshing and delicious and crisp, and whatever other adjectives one uses to describe a bottle of pop; or a soft drink, whichever you prefer.

So, I intend to drink one. Soon.

The end. Just in case that was not interesting, here is another crummy song list:

Best Albums of Recent Life:

Arcade Fire – Funeral (This is so good. It is beyond good. My favorite thing I heard all of last year. It may be my favorite record ever.)

Camera Obscura – Underachievers Please Try Harder (I still listen to this all the time)

Bright Eyes – I’m Wide Awake It’s Morning (I did not think this band could ever top Fever and Mirrors. They didn’t, but damn they came close.)


9 Responses to “Some Quality Reading”

  1. stelladoro says:

    i like the song list! re: grammer, i was once told that you should always use “I” when it comes to “xx and I”. but the correct grammer rule is actually to ignore the “xx and” part and see whether “I” or “me” makes sense in the sentence… so in yours it should be “me”. does that make sense?

    thx for the comment on my picture btw. i’ve been *so* lazy about updating my blog

  2. mochitawny says:

    hahahhahahaha! punk. way to “decode my language.”

  3. heay watsup spread the message of antiracism 2day, if u aint fightin racism u part of the instituntial white racist system. join this blogring 2 show u aint a racist supportin whites hatin on others.

  4. wingb34 says:

    How cool.

    Did you dress up and go to one of the Harry Potter party at midnight? I walked home late friday night and saw lots of people gathering around the local book store.

  5. runningashy says:

    Hey you~

    Your “about me” section caught my eye for two reasons: 1) you’re a graduate of UC Berkeley, where I’ll be attending 2) You were English major who doesn’t want to do anything with the major. Ah, that’s so me. Actually, I’d like to go into journalism, which is somewhat close to English, I guess. But anyway, just thought I’d say hello, and if you feel like telling me how you liked the English major, or didn’t like the English major, or any other tid-bits of advice, I’d love to hear. Any teachers I should avoid before I sign up for classes at CalSo (I’m a spring admit)? Teachers I should make sure to get? Enjoy Harry Potter!! I’ve seen so many people reading recently…

  6. EC says:

    Wait a second. Xanga? Arcade Fire? Bright Eyes? What is this, 2004-2006?

    Nevermind, I’m waiting for an album to top Funeral.

  7. Peasprout says:

    @EC, Well, you *are* commenting on a blog written in 2005, so albums released in 2003, 2004, and 2005 respectively were less out of place back then.

  8. EC says:

    Very odd, this just came up as a new post in my google reader even though it’s 2011. Just in case it is still 2005 where you are, the white stripes break up.

  9. Peasprout says:

    @EC, That is because the old blogs are slowly migrating, and as they show up here the RSS feed considers them new, as in “new to this site.”

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